Bay Hagebeek Over-leven in de 21ste eeuw

Mountain Biking: a big Life Saver


Bay Hagebeek talks to Roxy (Rafaella) Wieschollek, Mountain Bike coach about self-worth, mental strength and empowerment of women in sports.

Introduction by Bay Hagebeek: “Since early 2024, I’ve taken up mountain biking, a new chapter in my ‘cycling career’ following my lifelong love of BMXing as a kid. Back then, I never got a real BMX bike, so I would strip down children’s bikes and build my own ramps to jump off—much to my mother’s horror. I absolutely love mountain biking: it gives me a sense of connection with nature; it’s about having my own time, space, and the freedom to push my limits. Plus, this sport introduces me to new people.

While searching for online mountain biking inspiration, I came across videos by Roxy Wieschollek. What immediately stood out to me was her different approach compared to most mountain biking videos on YouTube, which often make you feel clumsy because the stunts are effortlessly performed by very experienced riders. Roxy does it differently: her focus on encouraging women in the sport, her detailed explanations of bike techniques, and the deeper layers of meaning in her videos motivated me to invite her for an article.

She spoke with me about the crucial role of mental training and how it has helped her find balance—not only on the bike but in life as well. Moreover, Roxy sees it as her mission to inspire and support female athletes, acknowledging the unique challenges women face in sports. She offers practical tools for everyone to become both physically and mentally stronger, lessons that extend far beyond just the sport.”
(This article is originally written in English.)

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By bayhagebeek
Bay Hagebeek Over-leven in de 21ste eeuw

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